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商品名稱: Learn And Master Ballroom Dance D04
商品分類: DVD綜合程式軟體
商品類型: 學習和精通交際舞 視頻教學軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2011-06-13
學習和精通交際舞 視頻教學。 由兩個世界頂級交際舞導師 Mark 和 Jaimee 為你最大程
度的指導。 整個教程包含13張DVD充滿極好的舞蹈編排與易於學習的舞蹈動作,內容涵蓋
了所有的舞蹈 - 華爾茲舞,探戈舞,狐步舞,倫巴舞,恰恰舞和搖擺舞等 - 是專為開始
With the recent popularity of dancing television
shows such as Dancing With The Stars and So You
Think You Can Dance, thousands of people across
the country and even the world are exploring the
world of ballroom dance. Learn & Master Ballroom
Dance is here to help you feel comfortable and
confident on a dance floor. Everyone who dances
well today ... started at the beginning.
Are you tired of sitting at the table at
weddings, family parties, or New Year's Eve
parties while all your friends are dancing? Do
you want to eliminate your fear of dancing on two
left feet with no rhythm? Do you want to move
gracefully across the dance floor?
If so, Learn & Master Ballroom Dance is for you.
All of the dances covered in the course ?Waltz,
Tango, Foxtrot, Rumba, Cha Cha, and Swing ?are
tailored for the beginning dancer. Whether you
have a partner or not, with some practice youl
learn and master one or all of these dances in no
time. Then youl be dancing the night away!
Relax. With Learn & Master Ballroom Dance
learning will be easy, comfortable, and thrilling
... every step and figure of the way! Youl
never feel overwhelmed or intimidated, and within
a few weeks you will have learned your way around
the dance floor. Learn & Master Ballroom Dance is
the most extensive video instruction youl find
When your order Learn & Master Ballroom Dance,
youl receive 13 DVDs full of beautiful
choreography and easily learned dance figures, 6
CDs of music to dance to, a 75+ page workbook
outlining each dance, and an online community to
encourage and support you.
Even better than all that listed above, with
Learn & Master Ballroom Dance youl receive the
best instruction from two of the nation top
ballroom dance instructors. Mark and Jaimee take
great pride in their students and can wait to
share their knowledge and experience with you.